Do you think that your spelling and grammar are important? Many people while believing they are important don’t believe that they are important enough to take greater care over getting correct. I have employed many people over the years and seen many resumes; many of the resumes were very poorly written despite having been produced on a word processor with a grammar and spelling check. Most of these resumes have ended up straight on the reject pile as I almost always have other candidate with similar qualifications and experience who have taken the time and made the effort to get their resume perfect.
The same can be said for grant applications and business plans that I have reviewed in a past employment, some are produced very badly and I have to consider whether the same care would be taken over the money they are applying for. Most of these applications were again rejected as there were others that took the time to not only produce a good case for their business but did it in a way that showed that they would take care of their business.
Word processor’s grammar and spelling check
If you have to rely on your word processor to check your spelling and grammar you must also ensure that you spend some time to proof read your work. It will not always find each and every problem that you may have created. The grammar spelling check will not pick up the missing and at the beginning of this sentence for instance; so you have to read and read again to try to find your errors
This proof reading can be very difficult, I always end up leaving work for 24 hours before I try to proof read otherwise I am just too familiar with what I have written and cannot see the errors; I read what I expect to be there not what is actually on the screen.
Now I can’t afford to pay someone else to proof read my work as it is just far too expensive but I can find an alternative grammar and spelling check to my word processor that will do a much better job.
The best grammar and spelling check is the best for providing a simple and powerful grammar and spelling check that will ensure that everyone will form a good opinion of you based on your writing. Despite the simplicity of use it has a very powerful dictionary and grammar checking algorithm that will find each and every error in your writing.
So whatever your needs may be give it a try today and see how it compares to your own word processor, I am confident that you will be impressed.